Health Insurance System

Overview of Health Insurance

Everyone and their family face surmountable costs unfortunately when ill or injured. This is the same as when dealing with a birth or death.
Health insurance is a mutual aid system for reducing payments for essential medical care and the amount for cash necessary by having employers and insured persons pay insurance premiums based on income in preparation for any unexpected illnesses or injuries.

Overview of Health Insurance Societys

Health insurance societies are public corporations which provide health insurance services through insurance premiums paid by employers and employees enrolled in the health insurance program.
Health insurance providers are largely categorized as either the Japan Health Insurance Society or health insurance societies. The EY Japan Health Insurance Society is a health insurance society approved by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare established for the employees of EY Japan and their families.

Benefits of Health Insurance Societies

  • Health insurance societies actively engage in health management efforts in cooperation with employers by providing health insurance services aligned to the needs of enrollees, such as the age composition, gender ratio, and illness trends.
  • Enrollees can add additional benefits to the coverage mandated by the Health Insurance Act.
  • The EY Japan Health Insurance Society provides comprehensive services to help promote better health, such as offering service contracts to use facilities such as health, recreation, and sports centers.

Business Operations of Health Insurance Societies

Health insurance societies engage in insurance benefit and healthcare services as their two main businesses within a range stipulated by the Health Insurance Act and other relevant laws.

  • and Insurance Benefits
    The insurance benefit business provides coverage for medical care costs for illnesses, injuries, childbirths, or deaths of insured persons or dependents (family members).
    Insurance benefits include “statutory benefits” stipulated by law and “additional benefits” independently provided by the EY Japan Health Insurance Society.
  • Healthcare Services
    The healthcare business provides services to maintain and promote the better health of insured persons and their dependents (family members).
    These services include health screenings, health guidance, advertising and awareness raising to promote better health, enlightenment activities, health consultations, disease prevention, and recreational activities.